Friday, June 1, 2012

Red Chicken Curry

A few weeks ago, Amy and I made Red Chicken Curry. I love the flavors and smells of a good curry! This recipe is a staple in our house (at least 4 times a year that is). My friend passed it along to me. The secret is Trader Joe's Red Curry Sauce. If you don't have a Trader Joe's nearby, I would just skip on over to the next recipe.

Red Chicken Curry

  • Trader Joe's Red Curry Sauce (I buy 2 jars to make a larger batch with TONS of flavor!!)
  • Broccoli (fresh or frozen) - Eyeball it! I love broc! - Cut into Bit-Size Pieces
  • 1 Small Can of Water Chestnuts
  • 2 - 3 Idaho Potatoes, Peeled and Cut into Bit-Size Pieces
  • 1/2 Cup of Frozen Peas
  • 1 - 2 Onions, Chopped
  • 2 Chicken Breasts, Cut into Bit-Size Pieces
  • Rice

1. Cook chicken on the stove top with some olive oil.
2. Boil potatoes and thaw other veggies, if necessary.
3. Put all ingredients in a dutch oven.
4. Simmer on stove top for 30+ minutes (follow directions on the back of the Trader Joe's Red Curry Sauce jar for specifics).
5. Cook rice according to instructions while you wait.

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